


Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1148

6.1: Optimize routine screening of TB in HIV patients and others entries points of the facility

Added by Gilles about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
09/30/2023 (about 12 months late)
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(Total: 0.00 h)
Spent time:
(Total: 26.00 h)
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Rate $ Hourly
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Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1155: Strengthen coordination between TB and HIV services and implement one stop shop in TB unit New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1161: Organize/ integrate in the meeting at district coordination level to share the progress report of activities during district and regional coordination/health committee meetingsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1162: Advocate with facility leadership for the integration of HIV services in the tier 1 and 2 sites in the zone (38) 20 TB clinics to prevent nosocomial transmission of TB to PLHIV, allowing TB patients to access their HIV medications in the TB clinic withoutNew07/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1163: Organize and participate in monthly UPEC coordination/data validation meetings for facilties with both UPEC and TB UnitNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1164: Post APS testers and routineley orient/mentor care providers in all TB units to ensure all TB clients receievd at the facility are tested and have a documented HIV statusNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1165: Assign TB FPs to follow up on patient flow between UPEC and CDTs and ensure appropriate documentationNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1156: Strengthen TB sample collection and integrated HIV/TB sample referal and transport systems New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1166: Implement proper specimen collection and processing, universal precautions (e.g., basic hygiene, proper sputum and waste disposal, and cross ventilation), patient triage, and administrative control activities (e.g., active identification and separation ofNew05/01/202308/31/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1167: Identify DOT Clinics in all clusters and use Laboratory technicians skilled in TB sample collection and testing to train RTG-TB and faciliy FPs on how to collect a good sputum New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1168: Mapp all health facilities with POC for viral load/TB gene Xpert testing New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1169: Follow-up with the national TB program to train lab staffs in sites with POC for viral load/TB gene XpertNew04/01/202305/31/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1157: Strengthen TB screening and follow-up of TB presumptive cases in stand alone HIV unit in all PEPFAR supported sites New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1174: Mapping of all HIV stand alone sites in the zoneNew04/01/202304/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1175: Build staffs capacity of others entries points on TB screening New04/01/202304/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1176: Provide these sites with TB presumptive registers and train on documentationNew04/01/202304/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1177: In collaboration TB RTG, Support these stand alone facilities with sputum collection materialsNew04/01/202304/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1178: Advocate for RTG-TB FPs to collaborate with facility TB FPs to ensure sample collection or patient referral in all facilities and provide them a minimal Top -up packageNew04/01/202304/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1179: Advocate for availability of fuctional GENE XPERT machines and catridges in more facilitiesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1180: Organize and support referral of all screened positive samples or patients (from CBO or community) to lab for confirmatory diagnosis (GeneXpert diagnostic testing) - prioritize sputum sample referral where applicableNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1181: Support high volume DTCs and non DTCs with provision of sputum cups, gloves, face masks,ice bags, sputum carriers and other consumables tto ease sample collectionNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1182: Leverage on the existing sample transport system for VL and EID samples to simultaneously transport TB sputum specimen to and from diagnostic centers and return results in a TOT of 48 hoursNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1183: Advocate with GENE XPERT TB testing lab staff to have all TB positive results communicated to clinicians or TB FPs for patient follow up and managementNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1184: Implicate CHRISS Foundation on the transport of sputum samples to hop laboratories for analysis and prompt return of resultsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1158: Build capacity and mentor Health care providers, Community health workers, CBO staffs, HCW in prisons on TB prevention, managementNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1185: Collaborate with GIZ to map out sites of intervention (prisons) in order to avoid duplication of effort and overlapNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1186: Mapping of prisons supported by GIZ with a high prevalence of TB infected cases in need of TB screening and contact tracingNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1187: Identify Peer educators and nurses of prison to be trained on TB screening, sample collection, storage and transportationNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1188: Train / mentor HCWs, peer educators and nurses of prisons and CBO on TB screening and/or referral, infection control and management(inclusive documentation) at facility prisons, community level in all supported custers and CBONew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1189: Train/mentor staff of TB units on HIV Care and treatment (HIV screening tool, pre & post counselling, HTS, ICT, ARV dispensing, and documentation in testing/QA, ART, registers in all the supported facilitiesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1190: Mentor sites on integrated TB/HIV services and guidelines to encourage Triage as a main infection control measure among PLWHIVNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1191: Continue onsite mentoring of HCWs and CBOs on TPT as per need to increaseTPT uptake and ensure completionNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1192: Refresher Training of CBO staff in the one stop shop on HIV management, and stock commands/reports for ARVs and TPTNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1193: Training of dispensers and pharmacist or stock managers on stock management and follow-up of INH/HP stock at the regional levelNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1159: Intensify case finding for TB among PLHIV including children and adolescents living with HIV at all entry points.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1194: Routine TB screening of all PLHIV on a monthly basis during ARV pickup in all entry points including ANC clinics (Facility, prisons and CBO level) or during phone calls if clients sent a representative for drug pick-upNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1195: Provide TB screening tools/ job aids/ SOPs in all facilities, prisons and CBO + TB referral and Lab request forms for presumptive casesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1196: Collaborate with the health district team to link all TB presumptive cases identified for HIV and TB testing (support transportation fare for the clients and CHWs), when applicableNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1197: Provide TB referral forms and promote active referrals to trained CHWs and CBOsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1198: Systematically screen prisoners for TB at entry, annually and on exit.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1199: collaborate with NACC to develope modules to train actors in the pediatric centers of excellent on active TB/HIV case finding among the pediatric population.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1200: Ensure targeted/intensive case finding within key service delivery points (e.g., antenatal clinics, family planning clinics, immunization clinics, gynecological clinics, and within the community) New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1201: Line listing of VIP patient in view of screening TB VIP patients through the health care staff responsible for their follow up (dispensing of ARVs)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1202: Advocate with providers of VIP clients to screen for TB in the clients they follow and ensure coding of these patientsNew05/01/202308/31/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1203: Develop an SOP to guide TB screening by phone’s calls for clients on MMD and for TB screening of VIP clientsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1204: Screen TB patients on multimonth via phone's call quarterlyNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1205: Capacitate providers of VIP clients in screening of TBNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1160: Decentralize pediatric TB case finding and managementNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1206: Routinely carry out TB screening in all CLHIV who visit the health facilityNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1207: Routinely screen for TB and document in all pediatric entry points for example OPD, Hospitalisation, malnutrition, pediatric unit etc…New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1208: Use TB/HIV webinars to mentor staff at various pediatric entry points (IWC, malnutrition, family planning, UPEC pediatric unit etc) on pediatric TB screening tool, TB prevention, care and treatmentNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1209: Identify already trained TB focal points from the CAP TB program and use them as trainers to mentor other TB focal points as need be on Pediatric sample collectionNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1210: Train TB focal points in tiers 1 and tiers 2 sites on alternative TB sampling (Gastric and nasopharyngeal aspiration...)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1211: Ensure active and systematic TB screening of all CLHIV at every visit and documentation in ART/ TB screening/TB presumptive registers New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1212: Provide facilities with SOPs for Pediatric TB Screening in all entry pointsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1213: Ensure linkage of all Pediatric TB presumptive and confirmed cases for proper follow up and treatment and support patient or HCW transportation as need beNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1214: Systematic screening for TB of child household contacts of PLHIV confirmed with TBNew04/01/202309/30/2023


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