


Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480

Retention CQI and online report validation.

Added by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

In Progress
Start date:
Due date:
08/31/2023 (about 13 months late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
6.00 h
Spent time:



- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she hasn't completed it due to the month-end workload. will do that before the end of the week. Follow up on retention for the site.
- Verification of all APS and site working tools to ensure they are ready for the new month and activate tracking to improve on the retention of 185% for July.
- triangulation of data and online report submission.
- A plan for weekly Notification of clients missed in the month of July by the expert client and APS concerned has been established.
- Tracking tools are ready and up to date for weekly tracking of clients missed, 1 Month absents, and IITs
- As of today, out of 200 absent for 1 month, 14 have returned. Hoping to intensify the tracking so as to increase the return rate. Of 38 for two months, only 1 is back. with 36 >3 months, no returns yet.

Additional Details
Rate $ Hourly
Additional Assignee
Babara Ngum

Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Priority changed from Normal to Urgent


- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she hasn't completed it due to the month-end workload. will do that before the end of the week. Follow up on retention for the site.
- Verification of all APS and site working tools to ensure they are ready for the new month and activate tracking to improve on the retention of 185% for July.
- triangulation of data and online report submission.
- A plan for weekly Notification of clients missed in the month of July by the expert client and APS concerned has been established.
- Tracking tools are ready and up to date for weekly tracking of clients missed, 1 Month absents, and IITs
- As of today, out of 200 absent for 1 month, 14 have returned. Hoping to intensify the tracking so as to increase the return rate. Of 38 for two months, only 1 is back. with 36 >3 months, no returns yet.


Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 40

Completed the CQI project on retention. will be monitoring its progress subsequently. and change action plans as per progress.
Group calls will continue tomorrow with tracking of potential IITs, IITs, and IITs >3 months.


Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 50

- Completed with CQI documentation with major and it is up to date. Tracking and documentation as per recommendation are ongoing.
- For administrative actions, the major and I will see how to meet the persons responsible and discuss with them.
- We had a call center today in which we tracked 200 potential IITs, 36 IITs, and 36 IITs >3 months and documented them in respective tracking tools.
- In total, we had 42 promises to return this week and next. We had a good number of clients whose contacts are not going through and about 45 not taking calls. we will continue to insist weekly during our biweekly call groups to ensure they return before the end of the month so as not to go back to the negative zone we were in in the previous month.
- One of the major challenges I have is the major. she is not fully engaged in the tracking and in our weekly validation sessions as she complains of too much work besides project demands. Will continue to mentor hoping she joins in so as to take the lead when I am in other sites mentoring.
- Validated weekly reports (1-3rd). we have brought back 28 potential IITs, 4 IITs, 1 IIT>3 months. Not too good for a start but we will keep pushing to ensure we do not move from the positive zone.


Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 60

Group calls/Retention CQI action plan follow-up.

- Notification of clients eligible for pickup during the week and weeks ahead.
- Tracking of all potential IITs, IITs, and IITs > 3 months. (Will give a weekly analysis by Thursday so we can better appreciate tracking efforts of the team as per weekly targets).
- For now, we have 13 restarted (from 36 and 38 IITs and IITs> 3 months respectively).
- Tomorrow all files' clients of clients with telephone numbers not going through will be taken out and used to intensify tracking.
- Documentation of dates and tracking outcomes in individual tracking tools.


- Some health personnel still do not want to make out time to pick up the drugs of clients in their care.
- Some health personnel dispense clients with MMDs without getting them to the dispensation unit for proper documentation. Will have to see some of the health personnel personally for individual cases. Without this, I might get chances of a drop in the retention for the site as I have potential Transfer out cases for this month. As of now, we have 5 cases still undergoing verification from the said sites of transfer.

VIral load

- The Viral load APS is complaining of workload. Due to the fact that at CHUY we have resumed collection of samples for all populations. Had a discussion with Achidi as to how to mitigate the problem. she suggested we draw a roster for some APS who could help the VL FP with documentation as she collects and another for extended hours of collection.
- A program will be put up with the major of the Hematology unit of the hospital laboratory who is supposed to be in charge of the collection is short of personnel.


Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

Continuation of tracking of clients whose numbers were not available yesterday.
- Their patient files were removed and crosschecked for other possible numbers who might be going through.
- As of today, we continue to intensify the calls.
- Working session with the major on the two cohorts which were divided amongst 9 APS whole waiting on RTG to send us replacements for the pending cohorts. Weekly follow-up will be done so as to ensure they are tracking these clients alongside their clients.


Updated by Babara Ngum about 1 year ago

Continuous tracking od clients whose numbers did not go through, voice mail, did not pick and promised to come last week. This was done using all patient files and we had as outcome, Not going through (39), not taking calls(10), RDV, dEATHS(3), Transfered out(2), wrong number(2), out of town(4), Contact doesnt know the people (7), refus(1). These are outcomes for 1 month , 2 months and 3 months absents.
- With our weekly target of 50 return of 1 month absents, we have just been able to bring back 17 so far. the two days public holidays has affected our tracking return. 4 two months absents who have returned so far out of our weekly target of 10 and 1 of 3 months. the trend is slow but we are not relenting our efforts to track.
- All tracking outcomes have been documented accordingly.

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