


Obj. 11: Program Management #1516

Coordination meeting/ presentation of Q3 performance and Gap

Added by Georges-Hermann about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Estimated time:
8.00 h


HD Mbalmayo
Working on CQI project for retention
Coordination meeting at HD Mbalmayo to present site/ entry point performance to the hospital administration, district team and staff
HTS: testing targets were achieved for the the quarter( 106.3%)
However HTS_POS was at 68.2% achievement
HTS_INDEX at 68.3% , HTS_INDEX POS: 42.3%, Yield at 8% and % contribution t POS at 18.3%
As Recommendations, all APS and consultants were advised to intensify the use of the screening tool so as to test just those who are eligible.
- intensify the pediatric surge by testing all children less than 19years who don't know their HIV status and are either biological children of women living with HIV or sibling to children Living with HIV. this activities was to be intensified in the communities since the easily meet this children at home and also call notify parents to bring their children to the facility for testing. to Maximize the number of positives, it was the suspect case strategy be intensified with the help of expert client, community relay agents and special note be taken for orphans in communities.
for linkage
57 positive were linked out of the 60 positives with a performance 95%
1 of these client was from ANC1 who never collected her results and number of the sister she left not going through. APS and major of ANC advised to work on Turn around time of results and to always have adequate information on pregnant women during registration.
1 client was initiated in July and 1 other

Retention for the quarter was at 4% as 83 patients were lost through modalities TO Death(17) stop treatment(1) and IIT.The main issues affecting retention are
intra and inter facility initiations
- inadequate information to track lost patients(localization plans, contact persons, phone numbers)
- laxity in tracking patients by APS
- patients giving fake number
- patients missing RDV ...
A * CQI project has been developed to improve on performance

- VL uptake for the quarter was 93.3% and suppression rate at 94.9%.
uptake low in pediatric less than 15year and APS to work with the CoSMO team to get these children collected.

Program area and indicator to have an eye on is TB and TB stat percentage achievement at 17%

Additional Details
Rate $ Hourly
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