


Obj. 4: PMTCT services #873

Facilitate on-going decentralization of comprehensive PMTCT services and ensure all are equipped with the necessary capacity and resources to deliver quality services that include Testing, retention and viral loads through Health Facilities

Added by Gilles about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
09/30/2023 (about 12 months late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Spent time:
(Total: 8.00 h)
Additional Details
Rate $ Hourly
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Obj. 4: PMTCT services #907: Ensure routine HTS to all PBFW attending ANC, L&D and PNC including HIV retesting according to national guidelinesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #926: Conduct advocacy visit to targeted sites to ensure full elimination of user fee for ANC services.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #927: Ensure the availablilty of RTKs at all PMTCT entry points (ANC, L&D, PNC)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #928: Support HCW through mentoring to ensure HTS are routinely offered and documented to all PBFW with unknown status at all entry pointsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #929: Create patient flows that ensure that every pregnant woman who initially tested negative is retested in subsequent visits according to the national guidelinesNew04/01/202307/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #930: Reinforce education of breastfeeding women on the importance of retesting and offer HTS at all entry points (PNC Services, IWC, Pediatric units, Gynaecological consultations)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #931: Work with the community actors(Mother mentors, TBAs, chief of HA, CBOs ) to identify and refer breastfeeding women in the community for retestingNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #908: Track HIV negative/indeterminate pregnant and breastfeeding adult women and adolescents for seroconversionNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #932: Support care providers on PBFW tracking in all facilities, as needed. New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #933: Support all PBFW with indeterminate results for a confirmation test using ELISA. New06/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #934: Linelist and do active follow-up of all inderteminate clients monthly.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #909: Reinforce linkage to care for PBFW who test positive by reinforcing same day ART InitiationNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #935: Collaborate with regional team and other health facilities to make available rapid test kits and ARVs especially NVP to sites as need be.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #936: Ensure active linkage of PBFW for same day initiation using linkage agents in the facility.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #937: Non financial support motivation to foster active and same day linkage.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #938: Implement one stop shop model of PMTCT services.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #939: Support active referrals for linkage of PBFW who test positive in the community (satellite sites, CBOs, accompanied by TBAs)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #910: Reinforce Partner involvement in PMTCT.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #944: Provision of incentives such as shorter waiting time,facilitating access for men by altering clinic hours,and creation of family support groups.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #945: Identify and track partners of women seen at L&D or post partum to offer partner testing services.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #946: Print and distribute partner invitation leters to PMTCT unit for further involvement of partners in PMTCT.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #947: Ensure documentation of partner testing services in the QA ,ANC and L&D and if availuable other improvised registers and follow up reporting verified daily during triangulationNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #911: Pairing newly identified positive PBFW with mother mentors for the first six month in care for adherence supportNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #948: Pairing newly identified positive PBFW with mother mentors for the first six month in care for adherence support.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #949: Support mother mentors with communication credit for remote follow up of the newly initiated and for reminder calls to support retention in care.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #912: Support expert PMTCT APS on Cohort monitoring to mentor their peers in health facilities with challenges New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #950: Identify PMTCT expert APS who best understand PMTCT cohort monitoring and use them for peer mentoring in sites with staffs facing challenges understanding CMNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #913: Strengthen longitudinal care systems for mother–baby pairs through the post-partum and breastfeeding period to exit HIV uninfected children, with longitudinal paired cohort monitoring for 24 months using PMTCT APSNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #951: Scale up cohort monitoring in 80% of the 23 new GU supported sites.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #952: Offer HIV screening and testing services to all women seen during post natal visits with unknown status and refer positive mother and her exposed infant to PMTCT units for follow up. New05/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #953: Actively link all exposed infant identified in all entry points to PMTCT unit for management.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #914: Create and sustain support groups for pregnant and breastfeeding teenagersNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #956: Work with ANC team and registers to identify pregnant and breastfeeding teenagers enrolled in the health facilitiesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #958: Identify 05 high volume PMTCT sites in the center region and 02 in the East with more than 06 pregnant and breastfeeding adolescent girls to begin implementationNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #959: Design a need specific package to offer to this sub population during support group meetingsNew06/01/202306/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #960: Identify and train focal persons in the identified facilities to be able to offer the required package of service during SG meetings and their subsequent follow upNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #915: Institute and implement non-financial incentives for women who graduate from the PMTCT cohorts with negative final outcome for their HEINew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #961: Use HEI Cohort monitoring registers / exposed infant files to identify HEI with negeative final outcome and motivate their parents .New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #916: Scale up 3months MMD for Stable PBFWNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #962: Produce a linelist of stable pregnant and breastfeeding women in all project supported sites coming from distance communities and offer them 2-3 months MMD to support retention and viral suppression.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #917: Enhance U=U messaging especially, during ART initiation, to generate demand for VLNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #963: Provide patient education immediately after post-test counseling, treatment preparation for newly identified clients, and targeted sensitization both at the facility and community levels on U=U messaging using APS & clinicians (during morning education taNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #964: Organize a literacy campaign for U=U messaging for all PBFW on ART using different channels (national ,regional and local radio and televisions. New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #965: Provide TV screens to all UPEC services to renforce U=U messages.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #966: Print U=U messaging for all facilities and CBO to support health education talksNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #967: Linelist to be generated by each APS of all PBFW on ART with a schedule of VL sample collection by the eligibilityNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #968: Use of a daily monitoring VL collection tool by APS based on their daily and monthly targets for collectionNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #969: Ensure APS calls eligible patients with future appointments to come for sample collection before their appointment date (client on MMD)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #970: Ensure sample collection for all eligible PBFW on ART on their appointment dates or in their PMTCT Support groupsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #918: Scale up VL testing and documentation for pregnant and breastfeeding women on ARTNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #971: Ensure APS engage with Viral load focal point at facility level to receive and do the triage of HVL resultsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #972: Ensure VL results once received from the reference labs and distributed by cohort are documented in the patient filesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #919: Establish ‘modified’ viremic clinics for PBFW on ART with High VLNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #973: Identifie site needs , Print and distribute JOB aids and VL Monitoring and EAC Flipcharts for PBFW on ARTNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #974: Mentor health care providers on the provision and documentation of EACNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #975: Support Enhanced Adherence Counseling (Individual) and documentation by qualified adherence counselors (trained APS or care providers or mother mentors)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #976: Ensure timely repeat VL tests following enhanced adherence counseling and prompt 2nd line ART initiation according national guidelines.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #920: Scale up / Facilitate women's access to FP and Reproductive Health ServicesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #977: Avail FP education material at the ART ClinicsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #978: Active linkage of PBFW on ART to FP serviceNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #921: Develop and offer an integrated package of HIV prevention, treatment and care services for PBF AGYWNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #979: Identify high volume facilities with PBF AGYWNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #980: Conduct a cluster training of HCW and Adolescent champions on provision of the package of services for the PBF AGYWNew04/01/202307/31/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #981: Produce a linelist of PBF AGYW from the ANC registers.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #982: Define and provide a package of services for this AGYW (HIV Testing and prevention services, GBV Services , FP services and linkage to OVC services)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #983: Establish a Peer led adolescent youth friendly platform to create a space where an integrated package of services could be offered for PBF AGYWNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #984: Provide individual counselling with the identified PBF AGYW as they come for routine visits to seek their consent of belonging and adjust appointment dates to fall on the day of the SG.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #985: Provide a comprehensive package of HIV Care and Treatment services (ART Initiation, Adherence and Retention, Transition to Adult care and Viral Suppression)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #986: Adapted clinic days (Support group meetings, weekends, flexible time) aiming to improve retention of Mother -infant pair upto 18-24 months through PMTCT Cohort MonitoringNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #987: Integrate early childhood development (ECD) Sessions for HEI born to AGYW in support groups in collaboration with CRSNew05/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #922: Optimizing the provision of post-GBV Clinical services New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #988: Train and mentor HCW on First Line support, Clinical Management of post GBV survivors and service delivery tools for post GBV Clinical care servicesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #989: Make available job aids and SOPs on post clinical GBV care to sites according to needNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #990: Support HCW to provide quality post clinical GBV services to survivorsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #991: Print and distribute GBV Registers to selected facilities as per need.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #992: Ensure availability of data collection and reporting tools for an appropriate documentation and reporting on provision of Post clinical GBV ServicesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #923: Scale up EID services using POC or other testing platforms for children born to HIV+ women (HEI)New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #993: Provide and Ensure continues availability of point of care cartridges and necessary materials.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #994: Support Sample Transport System of EID samples using bikers and transporter in the East regionNew05/01/202308/31/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #995: Reinforce and maintain SMS printers to foster early PCR results(Especially positives) for early intervention.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #924: Strengthen longitudinal care systems for mother–baby pairs through the post-partum and breastfeeding period to exit HIV uninfected children, with longitudinal paired cohort monitoring for 24 months using PMTCT APSNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #996: Identify PMTCT expert APS who best understand PMTCT cohort monitoring and use them for peer mentoring in sites with staffs facing challenges understanding CMNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #997: Scale up cohort monitoring in 80% of the 23 new GU supported sites.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #998: Carry out an inventory and provide reporting tools to the 96 sites based on the need (estimation of xx PMTCT Maternal Cohort Monitoring register, xxx PMTCT Infant Cohort Monitoring register, xxx PMTCT CM reporting booklet, xxx ANC register, xxx L&D registNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #999: Offer HIV screening and testing services to all women seen during post natal visits with unknown status and refer positive mother and her exposed infant to PMTCT units for follow up. New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1000: Actively link all exposed infant identified in all entry points to PMTCT unit for management.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #925: Strengthen tracking of HEI who are Lost to follow up in CM and document outcomesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1001: Linelist and follow up through the use of localisation plans and phone calls and involvement of community actors to track HEI who are lost to follow up and bring them back to sites.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1002: Support with transport, airtime and capacity building the mother mentors, to track HEI with unknown status for final outcome in the community New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1003: Weekly, Monthly and quarterly data triangulation and reviews on PMTCT CM Implementation to ensure all HEI are enrolled and followed upNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #940: Reinforce counselling and linkage of difficult HIV+ PBFW who refuse ART treatment through engagement of mother mentorsNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #941: Refresh existing Mother mentors on processes for linkage, retention and tracking of defaulters.New04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #942: Support engagement of M2M by giving them airtime for tracking of defaulter & LTFU PBFW, linkage to treatment; transportation fare for daily duties activities onsite and community activitiesNew04/01/202309/30/2023

Obj. 4: PMTCT services #943: Motivate M2M to ease the implementation of their activities. New07/19/2023


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