



From 07/25/2023 to 08/23/2023


05:01 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1625 (New): follow-up
entretien avec le reponsable des sites satelittes pour engager dans l'offre de ICT Kameni Ghislaine
04:57 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1624 (New): planification de la descente de tracking des clients
1-validation du listing des RDV manqués avec le registre TARV
2- suivi de la séance de group call et de documentatio...
Kameni Ghislaine


04:38 PM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1620 (New): suivi des activités de la mère mentor
il etait question de se rassurer que la clientes expertes en collabaoration avec l'APS assure les descentes ches les ... Kameni Ghislaine
04:34 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1619 (New): revue des activités du Surge
il était question pour moi, de travailler avec les testeur pour se rassurer que les activités pour accentuer le case ... Kameni Ghislaine
04:18 PM Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1618 (New): Revue du stock des molécules pédiatriques
absence des certaines molécules pédiatriques: DTG 10mg, LPV/R 100/25mg; ce qui nous empêche de dispenser les dosages ... Kameni Ghislaine
03:59 PM Obj. 2: Link to treatment #1617 (New): soutien à la mise sous ARV
Nous avons identifié un cas pédiatrique en hospitalisation (11mois) donc l'état clinique était instable. En l'absence... Kameni Ghislaine
03:45 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1616 (New): suivi du tracking des cohortes pédiatriques
dans le cadre du suivi des activités de tracking des 23 sites qui avaient enregistrés des defaulter et IIT à la fin d... Kameni Ghislaine


10:34 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1615 (In Progress): CQI meeting on retention at HDCV
Review of action plan put in place by the team, level of implementation and progress. Gaps in attaining set objective... Victorine Kum
10:24 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1614 (New): Follow up on Adolescent champion activities and briefing on upcoming Ado club
Adolescent champion has not been active for a while now and so she was called up to know her challenges. unfortunatel... Victorine Kum


12:40 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1610 (In Progress): CQI meeting on Retention at Hopital Bethseda
Meeting with the site coordinator, the major, the APS and data team on issues affecting retention. Root causes for th... Victorine Kum


08:04 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1609 (New): tracquing absent et PDV
Samo Annette
08:03 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1608 (New): appui clinique(initiation au TARV)
Samo Annette
08:02 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1607 (New): formation à HD MFOU sur l'ICT/VGB/SNS
Samo Annette


08:44 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1606 (New): Tracking of Absences and LTFU and verification of T-Outs in Q3 in ODza
Each APS was asked to bring out the files of their absences and LTFU to be tracked
-Amongst the 3 absences tracked, ...
Glory Mokenyu
08:25 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1605 (New): Pediatric surge
Worked with 4 APS with 10 files of women in their cohorts each to check follow up of activity and proper documentatio... Glory Mokenyu
08:22 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1604 (New): Follow up and tracking of absences and LTFU in Nkomo/ VL uptake and HVL documentation in files
follow up on previous tracking outcome and tracking with APS one on one
- Amongst 16 absences, 3 clients came back a...
Glory Mokenyu
08:01 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1603 (New): ICT/SNS/KP/GBV
Meeting with FP HIV at the district and cosadi for the identification of key contacts in the referral system of cases... Glory Mokenyu
05:34 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1602 (New): Crosscheck files
verifications de quelques dossiers Samo Annette
05:31 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1601 (New): formation à HD MFOU sur l'ICT/VGB/SNS
Samo Annette
05:28 PM Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1600 (New): revue du registre TB et tracquing des cas avec statut inconnu
Samo Annette
05:26 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1599 (New): suivi des activités de retention et gap pour la CV au CASS NKOL
tracquing individuelle des absents de 1 moins sur 10 absents (3 promesses,4injoignables,3 hors de la ville) Samo Annette
05:18 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1598 (New): suivi activitrés de testing à HD MFOU
evaluation de gap dans testing Samo Annette
04:56 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1597 (New): suivi des activités de tracquing
Samo Annette
04:51 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1596 (New): CQI weekly meeting
Samo Annette


04:12 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1595 (New): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
> Started with the AHD/TB session for week 3.
- Pre-test and debriefing on TB/ AHD was done by Dr Olivia and a brie...
Babara Ngum
04:08 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560: Pediatric center of excellence
Concluded with the post test for retention/support group/Adolescent club.
Overall performance was good.
one role p...
Babara Ngum
04:04 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
Continuous tracking od clients whose numbers did not go through, voice mail, did not pick and promised to come last w... Babara Ngum


07:51 AM Obj. 11: Program Management #1593 (New): Attained Online Friday weekly CQI meeting.
Attained Online Friday weekly CQI meeting. Natoh Ngaitike
07:49 AM Obj. 10: Strength. Operations #1592 (New): Finance and expenses/ prepare and reconcile site activity advance budget for the month of July.
Finance and expenses/ prepare and reconcile site activity advance budget for the month of July. Natoh Ngaitike
07:47 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1591 (New): Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS
Individual tracking session with all retention APS on the remaining 1months clients, missed appointments, and PDVS. Natoh Ngaitike


07:41 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1588 (New): consultation et education thérapeutique
07:34 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1587 (New): formation des centres d'excellence pédiatrique
07:34 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1586 (New): consultation et education thérapeutique
07:33 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1585 (New): consultation et education thérapeutique
07:29 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1584 (New): consultation et formation des centres d'excellence pédiatrique
04:42 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1583 (New): Weekly data validation
triangulation and validation of report with APS. Antoinette
04:38 PM Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1582 (New): verification of documentation at TB UNIT and the screening services documentation
avec le nombres de patients dispenses dans la semaine nous avons verifies la documentation de la case TB screening da... Antoinette
04:30 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1581 (In Progress): follow up with documentation of APS online tracking at marie reine Etoudi and a working session with the checklist
with the check list i have verified the existence of all required tool and sops for retention . Antoinette
04:15 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1580 (New): validation rapport hebdomadaire
Samo Annette
04:12 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1579 (New): suivi de la qualité de service dans les dossiers
croscheking des dossiers pour évaluer si tous servives sont offerts et documenté Samo Annette
03:58 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1578 (New): suivi activitrés de testing à HD MFOU
à ce jour nous avons 0 cas de positif identifier due à la baisse de frequentation de la formation sanitaire. par aill... Samo Annette
03:44 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1577 (New): suivi des activité de retention à HD Mfou
tracking des absents de 1mois (sur les 3 absents de juillet restant,il ya 1promesse de retour un injoinble ,1 depanag... Samo Annette
12:49 AM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1576 (New): tracking of positives not linked to treatment in the previous week
so far we link 2 patient on Monday who were TB suspects and that their results is negatif Antoinette
12:38 AM Obj. 2: Link to treatment #1575 (New): working session peer leader
calls to clients already initiated on PrEP for their follow up visit .amont all client initiated on PrEP only 4 have ... Antoinette


08:54 PM Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1572 (New): verification de stock auto depistage Laboratoires
Samo Annette
08:49 PM Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1571 (New): appui logisque du bureau aux sites
Samo Annette
08:47 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1570 (New): appui clinique
Samo Annette
05:57 PM Obj. 11: Program Management #1569 (New): Coordination meeting with all site staffs to share the monthly performance. Point out gaps and set up a mitigation plan as a team.
Present all program areas achievements, point out gaps challenges and mitigation plan. Natoh Ngaitike
05:52 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1568 (New): Clinical services to patients
Screening of patients, dispensation and documentation of services, Adherence counselling.
Natoh Ngaitike
05:48 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1567 (New): Data validation and review meeting to access gaps and set up a catch up plan to resolved issues identified
Data presentation per program areas, analysis and discussion. Presentation of successes, challenges per program areas... Natoh Ngaitike
05:43 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1566 (New): ICT/LIVES/GBV/KP
Restitution on the training on ICT/LIVES/GBV/KP to all site staffs and Planning how to better institute these activit... Natoh Ngaitike
05:32 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1562 (In Progress): To improve retention for the month.
Line listing of patients per outcomes 1 months absences,2months and PDVs per cohort and mentorship on proper tracking... Natoh Ngaitike
05:15 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1561 (In Progress): Follow-up of Retention and VL Update and suppression
Considdering a total of 40 clients who were absent during July and became IIT during this current month. It was urgen... Corine
03:45 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
Continuation of tracking of clients whose numbers were not available yesterday.
- Their patient files were removed ...
Babara Ngum
03:39 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560 (New): Pediatric center of excellence
> Retention/support group/Adolescent club and DSD
* Day 1
- Started with a pretest
- Debriefing of participants o...
Babara Ngum
03:22 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
The post and pretest results were communicated today with great improvement by the pediatric APS and slight improveme... Babara Ngum


Faith Nfikieh
05:27 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1557 (New): Retention/Viral load
- Began group calls at PHC (which will be continued with the major) and register checks for APS which was not up to d... Babara Ngum
05:20 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
> Group calls/Retention CQI action plan follow-up.
- Notification of clients eligible for pickup during the week ...
Babara Ngum
05:08 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1556 (In Progress): CQI projet sur la retention
Samo Annette
04:57 PM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1555 (In Progress): suivi des activités de PTME (tracquing des enfants ayant manqué les PCR)
Samo Annette
04:50 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- Rounded up with the disclosure, transition, and optimization,
- Gave post-test which will be corrected and handed...
Babara Ngum


06:57 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1553 (New): tenue de la reunion de revue de donnée
Samo Annette
06:54 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1552 (New): debut du CQI sur la retention.
Samo Annette
06:51 PM Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1551 (New): suivi et tracquing des patients TB avec statut VIH inconnu
Samo Annette
06:49 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1550 (New): suivi des activités de charge virale élevée (identification des gaps et actions d'amelioration)
Samo Annette
06:45 PM Obj. 2: Link to treatment #1549 (New): Tracking miss initiation
Samo Annette
04:10 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511: Viral load monitoring and group calls.

Phone call mentoring session with major and APS to ensure that group call sessions for viral monitoring were ongoin...
Babara Ngum
04:06 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1548 (New): Viral load cascade monitoring
CMA Elig-essono
> Viral load cascade (HVL/EAC, ELIGIBILITY)
- Ensured all clients eligible for either 1st, 2nd, and...
Babara Ngum
02:31 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1546 (New): consultation des patients et tracking defaulter; PDV, éligibles à la CV


03:32 PM Obj. 11: Program Management #1543 (New): participation à la reunion de CQI du vendredi et documentation du traquer de CQI
Samo Annette
03:29 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1542 (New): suivi des activitées de charge virale élevée.
il a été constaté un gap dans les reprélevements de charge virale , comme action pour ameliorer le tracquing a debuté... Samo Annette
12:02 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1540 (New): Reunion et elaboration d'un projet d'amelioration de la qualite a HGOPY
le projet qui a ete elabore fait suite a la mauvaise retention obtenu a la fin du mois de juillet qui est de -122%, n... Kam Elvire
10:56 AM Obj. 11: Program Management #1539 (New): WEEKLY CQI MEETING
FOLLOW UP zoom CQI meeting meeting Antoinette
10:47 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1538 (New): linelisting of LTFU, TO AND DEATH to filled the tracking tool online sheet
we line List LTFU,TO and Death per cohorte and verified the documentation of this IITs in APS tracking tool. for the... Antoinette


07:22 PM Obj. 11: Program Management #1537 (New): Monthly data Validation
- Validation of APS report card at CMA AHALA Glory Mokenyu
07:12 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1536 (New): CQI on retention
- Start of CQI project on retention, doing root cause analysis and establishing of action plan Glory Mokenyu
06:54 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1533 (New): Triangulation and Validation of Report for testing and retention
, I continued with the triangulation of data with the APS retention in HR Ayos, all CCM, tracking tool, daily appoint... Nathan Tabot
05:56 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1531 (New): suivi des activités de pediatrique surge
sur 468 enfants recencé ,195 sont connu negatif,192 testé de Mai à juillet 2023 et il reste 85 à ratraper Samo Annette
05:37 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1530 (New): validation des rapports du mois de juillet
Samo Annette
05:33 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1529 (New): suivi des activités d'amelioration de la qualité sur la retention debuté le 22/6/2023
Samo Annette
05:29 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1528 (New): Presentation des performance de Q3 et situation de la retention du site
Samo Annette
05:18 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1527 (New): validation des données des APS
une triangulation des données a été faites avec les registre des aps et les donnes de dama et T'ARV afin de valider l... Antoinette
05:13 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1526 (New): mise sur pied du projet CQI Retention at Marie Reine Etoudi
nous avons eu une session de discussion avec tout le personnel de l'upec sur les causes profondes de la retention et ... Antoinette
05:01 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1525 (New): working session on pédiatrie testing at Marie Reine Etoudi
04:53 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Completed with CQI documentation with major and it is up to date. Tracking and documentation as per recommendation ... Babara Ngum
04:33 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1522 (New): réunion de coordination et validation des rapports mensuels des APS
04:28 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1521 (New): tracking via call center
appel de groupe préalablement formé pour le trackind des absents 1 moi ; 2 mois et plus de 2 mois
et élicitation des...
04:13 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- Started today with role plays on disclosure with my team. They still have a few gaps with regards to pediatric ARV ... Babara Ngum
04:00 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls.
- From the calls of yesterday with regards to viral load uptake, we were able to attain just 50% (60 samples) of our ... Babara Ngum
11:53 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1520 (New): Mise en place d'un projet de CQI pour améliorer la retentions a CME-FCB
Mise sur pied d'un projet de CQI pour l'amélioration de la rétention du CME. il est question d'identifier les causes ... Tiako Boris
11:49 AM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1519 (New): Implementation des centre d'excellence CME-FCB
il sera question pour nous aujourd'hui de faire des séances pratiques en ce qui concerne l'annonce et le transition. ... Tiako Boris
11:45 AM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1518 (New): Implementation des centre d'excellence CME-FCB
Nous allons travailler avec les medecins en service au CME-FCB dans l'unité de prise en charge. Il s'agit de faire un... Tiako Boris
11:35 AM Obj. 9: Data management #1517 (New): Validation des données des aps pour la fin du mois
nous validons les données de chaque aps avec ses registres. en effet chaque APS apportent ses registres et nous vérif... Tiako Boris
08:26 AM Obj. 11: Program Management #1516: Coordination meeting/ presentation of Q3 performance and Gap
HD Mbalmayo
Working on CQI project for retention
Coordination meeting at HD Mbalmayo to present site/ entry point ...
08:20 AM Obj. 11: Program Management #1516 (New): Coordination meeting/ presentation of Q3 performance and Gap
HD Mbalmayo
Working on CQI project for retention
Coordination meeting at HD Mbalmayo to present site/ entry point ...


03:57 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1511 (In Progress): Viral load monitoring and group calls.
- Started group calls for viral load sample collection.
- Will monitor collection rate weekly to ensure progress.
Babara Ngum
03:52 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480: Retention CQI and online report validation.
-Completed the CQI project on retention. will be monitoring its progress subsequently. and change action plans as per... Babara Ngum
03:40 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
Continuation of yesterday's session. Today debriefing on Transition, disclosure, and optimization was done. those con... Babara Ngum
03:22 PM Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1510 (New): validation des données de TB et revue du registre de screening TB
Samo Annette
03:20 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1509 (New): validation rapport mensuel testing
revu des differents registre (ICT,linkage,auto test,regitre communautaire) Samo Annette
03:14 PM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1503 (New): validation rapport APS PTME
Samo Annette
02:59 PM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1503 (In Progress): validation rapport APS PTME
Samo Annette
12:20 PM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1503 (New): validation rapport APS PTME
Suivi des activités de PTME
Tracquinq des enfants exposés pour serologie VIH
Samo Annette
02:35 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1507 (New): consultation des patients stables et prise en charge de cas de maladies avencée (hospitalier et communautaire); formation des groupes calls pour débuter le tracking
01:16 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1506 (New): Support adolescent champions to carry out AG/BYW/M focused outreach for HTS and other prevention activities.
Training of Adolescent champions as peer educators in preparation for AIDS FREE HOLIDAYS sensitization and case findi... Titanji
12:59 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1505 (New): Retention CQI Project
Following a poor Q3 retention performance in two of cluster 3 sites, we decided to start a CQI project on tracking of... Marilyn Mesang
12:48 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1504 (New): working session with staff(UPEC major, coordinator and all the 4 APS) at HD Ndikinimeki on pediatric surge
1- travailler avec tout le staff de l'UPEC de Ndikinimeki pour évaluer le statut de l'activité de pédiatric surge
Aguy Ani Flore
11:48 AM Obj. 9: Data management #1502 (New): Monthly data validation
triangulation of data reported for the month with the different reporting tools. tracking tool, APS COHORTE MONITORIN... Antoinette
09:56 AM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1501 (New): onsite restitution on ICT,LIVES AND SNS at HD SOA
09:53 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1500 (New): Retention valdiation and online report submission.
08:17 AM Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1497 (New): Exposed infant file and serologie
- Check the level of update of exposed infant file and tracking of children for FO
- Follow up activity of mother me...
Glory Mokenyu
08:14 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1496 (New): APS tracking tool and expert clients
-Follow up Dr Cynthia's recommendation with Mark
- Distribution of credit to expert client and compiling the reports...
Glory Mokenyu
07:58 AM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1495 (New): ICT/SNS/KP/GBV
- follow up of action plan for recommendations during training (patient flow for GBV/LIVES)
-work with KP focal poin...
Glory Mokenyu


11:00 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1494 (New): Data triangulation and Validation
-Triangulation of testing done by APS tester in entry( OPD,ANC, Labour and delivery, surgical Unit, Laboratory, TB/Me... Nathan Tabot
08:00 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1493: validation des données des APS
Recoaching sur le remplissage des registres
suivi des activités de pediatrie surge
Samo Annette
07:45 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1493 (New): validation des données des APS
triangulation avec les resources sources pour valider les rapports des APS. Samo Annette
04:07 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477: Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
group work with testers and PMTCT APS for a Proposed plan of action to improve testing of children and siblings. thi... Babara Ngum
12:59 PM Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1477 (In Progress): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
- working on the status announcement, transition, and Treatment Optimization.
- Pre-test for st...
Babara Ngum
04:04 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she h...
Babara Ngum
04:02 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1480 (In Progress): Retention CQI and online report validation.
- Slow progress on documentation of retention CQI as the major is the one taking the lead with that. she h...
Babara Ngum
02:56 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1479 (New): tracking avec les APS
02:48 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1478 (New): ICT
10:29 AM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1474 (In Progress): Viral data analysis and creation of action plan to improve performance
- Worked on action plans to improve viral load indicators for respective sites which will be followed ...
Babara Ngum


02:41 PM Obj. 9: Data management #1469 (New): data reporting triangulation with registre
following what was reported for the week, i check the different registre to make sure that the data is correct and we... Antoinette
02:37 PM Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1468 (New): meeting on APS tracking tool with APS and ME and onsite discussion on when and how to implement it
we follow the zoom meeting together and discussion follows after mark presentation to better understanding of the tool Antoinette
02:28 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1467 (New): follow up of pédiatrique surge activities
working session with APS on the gap of children line listed during the first phase of pédiatrique surge Antoinette


11:14 AM Obj. 11: Program Management #1466 (New): Planification du travail du mois d'août
Samo Annette


12:23 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1465 (In Progress): planification des activités du mois d 'AOUT
12:20 PM Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1464 (In Progress): follow up of pédiatrique surge activities
verification of number tested from the gap that we identified in the first phase of this strategies . triangulation w... Antoinette

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