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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
1360 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Support RTG to organize monthly regional task-force meeting to discuss on stock status, orders, procurement and distribution 07/19/2023 05:21 PM 0.00

1359 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Support physical distribution and redistribution of commodities across our facilities/ Emergency orders 07/19/2023 05:20 PM 0.00

1358 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Work with GHSC-PSM to ensure distribution plans are prepared and signed by the Regional delegate and sites are informed before actual distribution 07/19/2023 05:20 PM 0.00

1357 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Support RTG to develop and operationalize on time distribution plans 07/19/2023 05:20 PM 0.00

1356 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Establish Terms of reference for stock managers and inform them of their roles 07/19/2023 05:18 PM 0.00

1355 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Refresher training of tiers 1 and 2 stock managers on the use of DAMA/EMR for comodities management 07/19/2023 05:17 PM 0.00

1354 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Implement elctronic management of stock through DAMA/EMR in Center and East regions in Tier 1 and Tier 2 sites 07/19/2023 05:17 PM 0.00

1353 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Integrate Cross validation of DHIS2 commodity data in the regional quarterly Task force meeting 07/19/2023 05:16 PM 0.00

1352 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Integrate the M&E of quantification hypothesis in the regional quarterly Task force meeting 07/19/2023 05:15 PM 0.00

1351 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Improve reporting of Supply Chain monthly indicators 07/19/2023 05:18 PM 0.00

1350 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Provide electronic management tool for commodity management at supported sites 07/19/2023 05:17 PM 0.00

1349 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Provide system at the point of dispensation to enable real-time data entry and quality 07/19/2023 05:17 PM 0.00

1348 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Review regional morbidity and logistics data to inform on regional estimates for commodity needs 07/19/2023 05:11 PM 0.00

1347 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Include GHSS in the Regional Task Force meetings at the Regional Level 07/19/2023 05:07 PM 0.00

1346 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Include POCs commodity management in the Regional Task Force meetings 07/19/2023 05:07 PM 0.00

1345 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Work with GHSS/RTG to facilitate distribution and management of POCs and VL reagents at supported sites 07/19/2023 05:06 PM 0.00

1344 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Work with RTG to re-map supply chain network to facilitate optimum distribution and reverse distribution as necessary 07/19/2023 05:05 PM 0.00

1343 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Train stock managers on method of planification and monitoring of supplies and dispensations 07/19/2023 05:02 PM 0.00

1342 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Share GU developed SOPs on stock management with facilities 07/19/2023 05:02 PM 0.00

1341 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Develop a training modul on LMIS and method of planification and monitoring of dispensations 07/19/2023 05:01 PM 0.00

1340 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Systematically develop CQI projects in each facility on stock management and commodities management following supervision gaps 07/19/2023 05:01 PM 0.00

1339 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Identify and Set up the storage space for commodity and documentation of pharmacy archives in the health facility 07/19/2023 05:00 PM 0.00

1338 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Distribute inventory management tools to supported sites 07/19/2023 04:58 PM 0.00

1337 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor all MoH Stock managers and dispensers on weekly and monthly data validation 07/19/2023 04:57 PM 0.00

1336 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor all MoH Stock managers to produce and share monthly forecasting and requisition of HIV commodities (HIV RT, ARVs, INH) from the site to RTG latest by 5th of the subsequent month through the online ARV requisition platform 07/19/2023 04:56 PM 0.00

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