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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
1335 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor all MoH Stock managers to produce and share weekly report every Saturday at 12:00 am ; and monthly reporting from the site to RTG by the 5th of the subsequent month 07/19/2023 04:56 PM 0.00

1334 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Organize post-training supervision at the newly enrolled sites and newly posted staff in old facilities for program monitoring. 07/19/2023 04:55 PM 0.00

1333 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Train the stock managers of newly enrolled GU supported sites and newly posted staff in old facilities on commodity management and reporting 07/19/2023 04:54 PM 0.00

1332 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Assess training needs for each facility and estimate training requirement 07/19/2023 04:53 PM 0.00

1331 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Organise quarterly exchange sessions to share best practices and lessons learned during the quarter in from best performing supported sites 07/19/2023 04:51 PM 0.00

1330 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Provide materials (cupboards, archive boxes) to archive documents in each facility (Pharmacy) 07/19/2023 04:51 PM 0.00

1329 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor District PSM FPs to assess stock level at site after monthly distribution and coordinate online requisition for the respective districts concerned 07/19/2023 04:50 PM 0.00

1328 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Provide working materials (laptops, tablets) for the dispensing points and central magazines for Tier 1 sites 07/19/2023 04:50 PM 0.00

1327 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Organise a workshop with participants Coordos UPEC, majors UPEC, district focal Person and Stock manager on the importance of supply chain activities on the overall service delivery for PLHIV 07/19/2023 04:49 PM 0.00

1326 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Redistribute commodities following gap indentified at various supported sites 07/19/2023 04:49 PM 0.00

1325 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Incorporate District PSM Focal Points into routine mentorship activities at facility level 07/19/2023 04:48 PM 0.00

1324 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor District PSM Focal Points 07/19/2023 04:48 PM 0.00

1323 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor facility staff on archiving tools and documents related to commodities management 07/19/2023 04:51 PM 0.00

1322 Obj. 8: Supply Chain New Normal Mentor and train facility pharmacists and dispensers in commodity management as necessary 07/19/2023 04:56 PM 0.00

1321 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Construction of incinerators for facilities 07/19/2023 04:45 PM 0.00

1320 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Assist lab partner in achieving IPC projects (restricted) 07/19/2023 04:45 PM 0.00

1319 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Support development of a proficiency testing database for Cameroon to inform future training and certification needs 07/19/2023 04:44 PM 0.00

1318 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Collaborate with GHSS mentors and facility lab surpervisors to ensure enrolment and participation of APS testers in HIV rapid testing PT. 07/19/2023 04:44 PM 0.00

1317 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Mentor identified supported site staff with issues (APS and lab staff) on HIV RT and VL/EID QA. 07/19/2023 04:43 PM 0.00

1316 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Mentor lab staff on IPC standards 07/19/2023 04:43 PM 0.00

1315 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Support enrollment and participation of all APS testers in proficiency testing 07/19/2023 04:43 PM 0.00

1314 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide transport reimbursement for lab technicians working extra-hours and week-ends for the processing of VL, EID, CD4 count, Cryptococcus & TB testing and results release in both regions 07/19/2023 04:42 PM 0.00

1313 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize an onsite refresher training or a mentoring session once semi-annually per facility for facility staff on VL/EID pre-analytical phases to collect, process, package, and transport blood samples for HIV viral load, EID and sputum for TB diagnosis 07/19/2023 04:41 PM 0.00

1312 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal In collaboration with the lab partner (GHSS), follow up continuous performance at facilities as part of clinical lab interface improvement to ensure proper use of the system, as per the need 07/19/2023 04:40 PM 0.00

1311 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal In collaboration with the lab partner (GHSS), train and retrain lab personnel on the use of BLIS, as per the need 07/19/2023 04:40 PM 0.00

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